Sauk Valley Bank CD
A Certificate of Deposit at Sauk Valley Bank is the answer to a safe and profitable way to invest your money. CD’s allow you to lock in a rate of return for the term of the CD. We offer terms ranging from 14 days-60 months, as well as additional longer-term CDs. With CD’s, your dollars are FDIC insured so you can have the peace of mind that your money is safe and working for you.1

Why Choose Sauk Valley Bank
At Sauk Valley Bank, we work hard to find the solutions that fit your unique banking needs. With a variety of banking and lending options, our team has the experience and flexibility to find the right solution to fit your business.
Read more about our mission here.
Ready To Get Started?
If you’re ready to get started, our team can help you make the switch to Sauk Valley Bank today! Already have an account but think a Certificate of Deposit would be a great addition to your business’ portfolio? Our team can assist you in finding the right options to fit your needs and lifestyle. Find the nearest location or contact our business banking team.

1 For more information on FDIC insurance, check out the FDIC’s Electronic Deposit Insurance Estimator (EDIE).